The SLIM™ Face Enhancement is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive and non-surgical solution to the multi-faceted issues plaguing the aging face. The SLIM™ Face Enhancement treatments combine a selection of minimally-invasive treatments to offer patients a full and more natural facial rejuvenation in the office or outpatient setting.
The term SLIM™ Facelift is an acronym for ScarLess, Integrative Modular Facial Enhancement System. The incorporation of algorithmically-derived modular treatment options allows for a truly customized design for each patient, while taking the guesswork out of determining what treatment sequence is best suited for optimal results.
What is SLIM Facelift?
The SLIM™ Face Enhancement treatment sequence for most patients begins with a thorough facial analysis of the patient’s baseline. This includes analysis of baseline facial symmetry, volumetrics, skin and soft-tissue quality, and other features such as rhytids or wrinkles, sunspots or dyschromias, redness or rosacea, and skin tone and texture. Once a thorough facial analysis is complete, customized treatment options are provided to the patient and are discussed in detail, allowing the patient to be proactive in determining not only their desired level of outcome but also their recovery period.
What Results to Expect:
- Tighter skin along the jawline and under the chin
- Fighting against UV sun damage
- Improved appearance of dark spots or hyperpigmentation
- Reduced excess fat and sagging in the face and neck region
- Rejuvenated skin at the surface level, enhancing the overall face
- Natural looking results while maintaining comfort for the patient
- Added structure, redefinition and volumization of the face
- Stimulated collagen production for a natural, healthy look
Components of a SLIM Facelift
The overall goal of the SLIM Face Enhancement is to offer a natural rejuvenated face, so each individual procedure works to complement the next in achieving this facelift without invasive surgeries.
Skin Tightening: The first component of the SLIM face enhancement involves skin tightening, a process that typically employs energy-based procedures to treat loose skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. Facetite and J Plasma or Renuvion are two radiofrequency skin tightening techniques that utilize radiation energy to produce tighter skin along the jawline and under the chin. Both can also be beneficial in
- Fighting against UV sun damage and
- Treating different related signs of aging such as dark spots or hyperpigmentation.
- FaceTite does specifically well in addressing excess fat and sagging in the face and neck region.
- J Plasma is unique in that it rleases helium gas and radiofrequency creating a combination of heating and cooling energy that tightens targeted areas of the skin.
Morpheus8: Morpheus8 is another component to reversing signs of aging. This specialized technique combines microneedling and radiofrequency to achieve deeper penetration of subdermal layers without incisions. Morpheus8:
- Treats wrinkles and skin laxity, while also reducing sagging in the neck, chin and jowl areas.
- The microneedling penetration also stimulates collagen production as the skin heals itself, thus restoring volume loss in the face.
Non-ablative Skin Resurfacing: Finally, a non-ablative skin resurfacing such as Fraxel Restore targets even more signs of aging such as
- Wrinkles
- Fine lines
- Scarring
- Sun damage
- Pigmentation, and
- Acne keratosis
The combination of all of these energy-directed treatments helps to rejuvenate the skin at the surface level,
enhancing the overall face.
MINT43 PDO: When it comes to addressing the structural makeup of the face, we use MINT43 PDO platforms. Minimally invasive thread, or MINT, uses threads to lift and anchor sagging skin. PDO threading lifts and tightens the skin while simultaneously contracting fat tissue, thus adding volume to sagging skin in the jowls, jawline, and cheeks. PDO thread is uniquely flexible and gentle on the skin, meaning it provides natural-looking results while maintaining comfort for the patient.
To add onto the structure redefinition and volumization of the face, we use nano-fat transfer, biostimulators, and injectable fillers. Using fat harvested and purified from another part of the body, patients can safely receive added volume to specific areas of the face or neck. Biostimulators similarly can add volume by stimulating collagen production for a natural, healthy look. Finally, injectable fillers are another option that can achieve the exact desired effect.
SLIM Facelift Cost and Pricing Structure
The Slim™ Facelift Pricing is dictated by the complexity of the procedure.
- US National Average: $2,500 to $29,500
- Our Price: Contact us for pricing.
- Insurance: Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic procedures, including SLIM Facelift, aside from rare and special circumstances. For your convenience, we offer a variety of payment options for your convenience including CareCredit and Cherry Financing.
How the Procedure Works
In general, the sequence of treatments commences with energy-based devices to allow for skin and soft-tissue retraction, tactical volume reduction in the face, as well as resurfacing of the skin. Volume enhancement is normally addressed following treatment with energy-based devices.
During the Procedure
- In the initial treatment phase, the implementation of energy-based devices ( J-Plasma and RFAL (or Facetite), Morpheus8, also known as SARD ( Subdermal Adipose Modeling Device), and non-ablative laser resurfacing such as Fraxel Restore is planned and executed, the goal being to create an optimal level of skin tightening and volume optimization throughout the face.
- This is then followed by soft-tissue suspension, when applicable. Our preferred method for soft-tissue suspension usually involves utilization of the MINT43 PDO platform, which allows for customization of the face and neck regions without the need for extensive scarring and downtime.
- Next, volume enhancement and structural remodeling is performed with a combination of nano-fat transfer, biostimulators, and injectable fillers where appropriate. Neuromodulators such as Botox are also implemented for facial decoupling to create optimal “ lift “ effect on the face, as well as for the purposes of improving skin tone, texture, and even the presence of rosacea.
- As a final step, regenerative medicine techniques ( via several cutting-edge modalities ) are implemented to enhance the face and improve the healthspan of your facial palette.
Am I a good candidate for a SLIM Facelift?
The SLIM™ Face Enhancement is a revolutionary treatment protocol pioneered by Dr. Glenn Vallecillos with the facelift patient in mind, and notably those patients that aren’t quite ready for a facelift either financially or psychologically, or more simply for patients that are in need of an overall facial enhancement but who don’t require something as extensive and involved as a facelift.