Restylane is a member of the hyaluronic acid family of injectable dermal fillers, which include Juvederm and Perlane, among others. What makes Restylane unique? It is the only FDA-approved filler for lip enhancement in patients over 21.

Like other fillers, Restylane works by restoring volume to facial skin, which lifts and lessens the appearance of moderate to severe folds and wrinkles.

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Procedure Walk-Through

  1. Preparation: To prepare for Restylane injections, you should avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicine, and herbs such as St. John’s wort for several weeks prior to your appointment. This will reduce the risk of swelling and/or bleeding at the injection sites.
    If you have any existing allergies or are prone to outbreaks of cold sores, acne, or skin infections, be sure to discuss this with Dr. Vallecillos during your consultation, as injectable can exacerbate these conditions.
  2. Anesthesia: Typically, no anesthesia is required for Restylane injections, although patients may have the option of lidocaine-infused Restylane. Lidocaine is a numbing agent that is mixed into the Restylane gel to reduce discomfort during the treatment. Most patients just require an application of topical numbing cream.
  3. During treatment, Dr. Vallecillos will use a small needle to inject Restylane just under the skin in the pre-determined treatment areas, most commonly the nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the nose to the corner of the mouth), around the mouth, and within the lips. Treatment usually takes less than an hour.