Ultherapy is an outpatient, noninvasive procedure designed to promote collagen production to reverse signs of aging from brow to chest.

This FDA-approved treatment uses ultrasound energy to heat targeted tissues in the eyebrow, jaw line, neck, and chest areas. In addition to using ultrasound energy to apply heat to targeted areas, the same technology provides detailed imaging so your doctor easily sees the layers of tissue requiring treatment for efficient, accurate delivery of the ultrasound energy.

In the days, weeks, and even months following treatment, patients experience improvement in many of the signs of aging, including wrinkles, elasticity, fine lines, and sagging skin. These improvements are due to increased collagen production, which naturally heals and improves skin.

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Procedure Walk-through

  1. Preparation: Begin preparing for your procedure at least two weeks ahead of time, especially if you take blood thinning medications or smoke. Blood thinning medications include NSAIDs like aspirin and Ibuprofen as well as certain vitamins and supplements like Ginkgo biloba. Cease smoking to aid in healing. In addition, adequate hydration both before and after the procedure improves healing and results.
  2. Anesthesia: Anesthesia is not necessary for this treatment, though some patients may request numbing or oral pain relief.
  3. Preoperative Consult: During your preoperative consultation, Dr. Vallecillos discusses your medical history, including current medications, past treatments or surgeries, and allergies. He also talks about your aesthetic goals with the procedure, explains realistic expectations, and offers advice on treatment. Finally, he administers full pre-and postoperative care instructions.


The doctor or his assistant administers any preoperative pain management medication approximately 30 minutes before the procedure. Then, he applies the sonogram gel, which helps the Ultherapy wand glide evenly and easily over the skin. The doctor slowly moves the wand across the treatment area, pressing firmly and applying heat to targeted areas. The entire procedure takes approximately one hour to complete.

During treatment, the patient receives miniscule amounts of concentrated energy in the treatment area (millimeters of tissue), beneath the skin’s surface.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a candidate for Ultherapy?

Patients who enjoy overall good health but who wish to minimize signs of aging, such as sagging jowls, fine lines and wrinkles, double chin, and neck or chest wrinkles, make ideal candidates for Ultherapy.

What is the recovery time for Ultherapy?

Patients may immediately resume normal activities. Some patients feel mild discomfort during the procedure, which ends once the treatment is over. You may experience mild swelling in the treatment area for a day or two after treatment. Results appear gradually over the space of three to four months, with most patients noting significant changes within the first two weeks after treatment.

Are there risks or side effects associated with Ultherapy?

Some patients experience a mild numbness to the treatment area that diminishes over time. Swelling, redness, and inflammation are also common, but should go away within three to five days.

How long do the results last?

Results last for six months to a year or more, as changes occur gradually. Best results: 3-5 treatments. Pre-treatment: patients who have had facial fillers within 1 week are suggested to wait & patients with facial implants are not recommended for this treatment. Post-treatment: May experience puffiness & bruising. Apply arnica, like our Vitamin Rich Bruise Relief Cream with Arnica, as needed.